Parish Survey Results


“Faith in Our Future” Survey 2016

In the recent Parish Survey conducted, parishioners were invited to respond to a series of statements in four categories of Parish Life. Below are the statements which received the highest “negative” scores – a combination of “Needs Improvement” and “Inadequate.” While we greatly appreciate the many positive ratings and comments that were offered for the vast majority of statements, the “Negatives” are perhaps even more worthy of our study and consideration as we hope to become a more faithful and effective parish community modeled after the ministry of Jesus Christ. Thank you to the 600 parishioners who responded to the Survey. Our Pastoral Staff, along with our Lay Leadership Teams, will use your insights, observations and comments to help formulate new parish goals for the upcoming year.

  1. The clergy, music ministry, readers and ushers all work together to bring about the full, conscious and active participation of the assembly. (Active singing, responses, listening, praying – not spectators). Total = 6.16% (Percentage of respondents who indicated either “Needs Improvement” or “Inadequate.”)
  2. The integration of small faith sharing groups into the parish is a goal toward which the parish is working. Total = 5.04%
  3. Facilities are appropriate for the size of the congregation, its regular worship and parish activities and adequately meet the needs of parish life. Total = 4.50%
  • The current weekend Mass schedule is convenient and sufficient. Total = 4.06%
  • Ministry among non-English speaking Catholics extends beyond just the celebration of Mass and is offered in other languages. Total = 3.60%
  • Baptisms, Godparent/Sponsor forms, Weddings and Funerals are appreciated as opportunities for establishing relationships with the individuals and families that are critical to the evangelization process. These opportunities are realized by reasonable arrangements and thoughtful preparations. Total = 3.39%
  • Vocation awareness is integrated in all catechetical programs. Total = 2.90%

10 Statements with the Lowest “Very Good” Rating

SJA “Faith in Our Future” Survey 2016

67.02%            Ministry among non-English speaking Catholics extends beyond just the celebration of Mass and is offered in other languages.

74.27%            Vocation awareness is integrated in all catechetical programs.

75.80%            Adequate resources are devoted to spiritual development and the development of leaders within each cultural group in the parish community.

79.48%            The integration of small faith sharing groups into the parish is a goal toward which the parish is working.

79.49%            The clergy, music ministry, readers and ushers all work together to bring about the full, conscious and active participation of the assembly. (Active singing, responses, listening, praying – not spectators)

81.42%            The Parish has adequate and handicapped accessible facilities to accomplish its mission.

81.85%           The Parish has an active youth ministry with a designated youth ministry leader and team.

82.21%            Facilities are appropriate for the size of the congregation, its regular worship and parish activities and adequately meet the needs of parish life.

82.43%            The parish website is well-developed, inviting and user-friendly. Information is kept fresh, updated and content is reviewed weekly.

83.36%            Parishioners are educated and formed in stewardship where all disciples share their time, talent and treasure.