Grade 2

Study Sheet for Grade Two End of Year Assessment


Your child should know:

–Sign of the Cross, Hail Mary, Our Father and Act of Contrition

–that Prayer is talking and listening to God


Your child should know:

–There are seven sacraments

–Baptism – We become members of God’s Family

–Penance/Reconciliation – God forgives our sins

–Eucharist/Communion – when we receive the Body and Blood of Jesus

–Confirmation – when the Holy Spirit comes to us in a special way

–Matrimony – when a man and a woman get married and promise to live together for life.

–Holy Orders – when a man becomes a priest

–Anointing of the Sick – when the sick receive a blessing with holy oil.

Commandment Jesus taught us

Your child should know:

–Love God with all your heart

–Love others as yourself


Your child should know:

–a conscience is what helps us to know right from wrong.

–that sin is when you choose to do wrong

–God forgives us if we are sorry for the things we have done wrong

–The prayer we say to ask for forgiveness is the Act of Contrition

The Mass/Eucharist

Your child should know:

–The Mass is a gathering of God’s people to celebrate the Liturgy of the Word and the Liturgy of the Eucharist.

–The Liturgy of the Word is when we listen to the readings from the Bible.

–The Liturgy of the Eucharist is when we give thanks and receive Jesus in Holy Communion.

There are three readings at Mass

–Holy Communion is when we receive the Body and Blood of Jesus

–That we hear God’s word in the Gospel.

–that the priest says a special prayer that changes the bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ.

–On Holy Thursday Jesus shared a meal with his disciples call the Last Supper.

–The priest uses a plate which is called a paten and the cup is called the chalice.

— The Real Presence – is that Jesus Christ is really present in the Eucharist

Church Year

Your child should know:

–Advent – Time before Christmas

–Christmas – When Jesus was born

–Lent – Time before Easter

–Easter – When Jesus rose from the dead